STREAMIO is a utility I created to assist with handling stream I/O functions. I’ve used it to construct a number of useful little command-line utilities.

Usage of this subroutine is completely documented in the program comments. The program COPY’s a copybook named STREAMIOcb, the format of which is described in the program comments.

Both STREAMIO.cbl and STREAMIOcb.cpy are included in the “samples” directory of any pre-built distributions of GnuCOBOL that I have created.

In addition to general GnuCOBOL concepts, this program provides a useful demonstration of the following:

  • Coding a GnuCOBOL subroutine

  • Using the REPLACING clause on a CDF COPY statement

  • Using hexadecimal alphanumeric literals

  • Using the following statements:


    • INSPECT statement

    • STRING statement

  • Using the following built-in subroutines:

    • C$PARAMSIZE built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_CLOSE_FILE built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_DELETE_FILE built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_EXIT_PROC built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_OPEN_FILE built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_READ_FILE built-in system subroutine

    • CBL_WRITE_FILE built-in system subroutine

  • Using the following intrinsic functions:

    • RANDOM intrinsic function

    • TRIM intrinsic function

First, here is the STREAMIOcb.cpy copybook:

05 SCB-Handle-NUM                    PIC X(4) COMP-X.
05 SCB-Mode-CD                       PIC X(1).
   88 SCB-MODE-Input-BOOL            VALUE 'I', 'i'.
   88 SCB-MODE-Output-BOOL           VALUE 'O', 'o'.
   88 SCB-MODE-Both-BOOL             VALUE 'B', 'b'.
05 SCB-Function-CD                   PIC X(2).
   88 SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL            VALUE 'C ', 'c '.
   88 SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL           VALUE 'D ', 'd '.
   88 SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL             VALUE 'O ', 'o '.
   88 SCB-Func-READ-BOOL             VALUE 'R ', 'r '.
   88 SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL       VALUE 'RD', 'rd',
                                           'rD', 'Rd'.
   88 SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL            VALUE 'W ', 'w '.
   88 SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL      VALUE 'WD', 'wd',
                                           'wD', 'Wd'.
05 SCB-Delimiter-Mode-CD             PIC X(1).
   88 SCB-DELIM-Unix-BOOL            VALUE 'U', 'u'.
   88 SCB-DELIM-Windows-BOOL         VALUE 'W', 'w'.
05 SCB-Offset-NUM                    PIC X(8) COMP-X.
05 SCB-Error-Routine-PTR             USAGE PROGRAM-POINTER.
05 SCB-Error-Routine-NUM REDEFINES SCB-Error-Routine-PTR
                                     USAGE BINARY-LONG.
05 SCB-Return-CD                     USAGE BINARY-LONG.
05 SCB-Filename-TXT                  PIC X(256).

The program source and cross-reference listing, produced using the GnuCOBOL Interactive Compiler front-end (GCic.cbl, one of the sample programs included here), begins on the next page.

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     1        >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED
     3        PROGRAM-ID. STREAMIO.
     4       *>****************************************************************
     5       *> Author: Gary L. Cutler                                       **
     6       *>                                                              **
     7       *> This routine centralizes all bytestream file I/O  functions  **
     8       *> into one routine.  The manner in which this routine is       **
     9       *> CALLed is as follows:                                        **
    10       *>                                                              **
    11       *>           CALL "STREAMIO" USING control-block [ , arg2 ]     **
    12       *>                                                              **
    13       *> where 'control-block' is defined by the "STREAMIOcb.cpy"     **
    14       *> copybook and 'arg2' will vary, depending upon the function   **
    15       *> specified in the control block.                              **
    16       *>                                                              **
    17       *> The STREAMIO routine has an advantage over the various       **
    18       *> "CBL_xxxxxx_FILE" routines in that:                          **
    19       *>                                                              **
    20       *> 1. It automates the establishment and on-going adjustment of **
    21       *>    the file-offset value in such a way as to simplify the    **
    22       *>    sequential processing of a bytestream file (you may still **
    23       *>    specify a file-offset manually on each read or write, if  **
    24       *>    you wish)                                                 **
    25       *>                                                              **
    26       *> 2. It auto-detects the size of the I/O buffer you supply to  **
    27       *>    STREAMIO, using that as the byte-count of all read and    **
    28       *>    write operations.                                         **
    29       *>                                                              **
    30       *> 3. Not only does it support the raw input and output of data **
    31       *>    that the CBL_READ_FILE and CBL_WRITE_FILE routines do,    **
    32       *>    but on input it is also capable of delivering just a      **
    33       *>    single newline-delimited or carriage-return/newline de-   **
    34       *>    limited record to the caller.                             **
    35       *>                                                              **
    36       *> 4. On output, STREAMIO can optionally append either a new-   **
    37       *>    line or carriage-return/newline sequence (your choice) to **
    38       *>    the end of every record it writes.                        **
    39       *>                                                              **
    40       *> 5. STREAMIO can automatically generate filenames for output  **
    41       *>    files if you wish, simplifying the process of creating    **
    42       *>    scratch or work files.                                    **
    43       *>                                                              **
    44       *> 6. The STREAMIO routine also allows you to (optionally) re-  **
    45       *>    gister a general error-handling routine to be given con-  **
    46       *>    trol should a fatal error be detected with STREAMIO.      **
    47       *>                                                              **
    48       *>    This routine can be "turned on" and "turned off" at will. **
    49       *>                                                              **

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    50       *> The control block format is as follows.  This structure must **
    51       *> be defined under an 01-level data item of your creation and  **
    52       *> should be INITIALIZEd before any items within it are used.   **
    53       *>                                                              **
    54       *> 05 SCB-Handle-NUM                   PIC X(4) COMP-X.         **
    55       *> 05 SCB-Mode-CD                      PIC X(1).                **
    56       *>    88 SCB-Mode-Input-BOOL           VALUE 'I', 'i'.          **
    57       *>    88 SCB-Mode-Output-BOOL          VALUE 'O', 'o'.          **
    58       *>    88 SCB-Mode-Both-BOOL            VALUE 'B', 'b'.          **
    59       *> 05 SCB-Function-CD                  PIC X(2).                **
    60       *>    88 SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL           VALUE 'C ', 'c '.        **
    61       *>    88 SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL          VALUE 'D ', 'd '.        **
    62       *>    88 SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL            VALUE 'O ', 'o '.        **
    63       *>    88 SCB-Func-READ-BOOL            VALUE 'R ', 'r '.        **
    64       *>    88 SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL      VALUE 'RD', 'rd',        **
    65       *>                                           'rD', 'Rd'.        **
    66       *>    88 SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL           VALUE 'W ', 'w '.        **
    67       *>    88 SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL     VALUE 'WD', 'wd',        **
    68       *>                                           'wD', 'Wd'.        **
    69       *> 05 SCB-Delimiter-Mode-CD            PIC X(1).                **
    70       *>    88 SCB-Delim-Unix-BOOL           VALUE 'U', 'u'.          **
    71       *>    88 SCB-Delim-Windows-BOOL        VALUE 'W', 'w'.          **
    72       *> 05 SCB-Offset-NUM                   PIC X(8) COMP-X.         **
    73       *> 05 SCB-Error-Routine-PTR            USAGE PROGRAM-POINTER.   **
    74       *> 05 SCB-Error-Routine-NUM REDEFINES SCB-Error-Routine-PTR     **
    75       *>                                     USAGE BINARY-LONG.       **
    76       *> 05 SCB-Return-CD                    USAGE BINARY-LONG.       **
    77       *> 05 SCB-Filename-TXT                 PIC X(256).              **
    78       *>                                                              **
    79       *> Such a structure is defined for your use using the copybook  **
    80       *> "STREAMIOcb.cpy" (you may also define your own, provided it  **
    81       *> conforms to the above layout).                               **
    82       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
    83       *> SCB-Handle-NUM                                               **
    84       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
    85       *>                                                              **
    86       *> Serves as a file handle to the file once it has been opened  **
    87       *> (via the "SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL" function).                     **
    88       *>                                                              **
    89       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
    90       *> SCB-Mode-CD                                                  **
    91       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
    92       *>                                                              **
    93       *> Prior to calling "STREAMIO" for the first time for a file,   **
    94       *> the appropriate subordinate level-88 must be set to TRUE to  **
    95       *> select an I/O mode.  You may also simply move one of the     **
    96       *> string values listed on the level-88 items to "SCB-Mode-CD". **
    97       *>                                                              **
    98       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**

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    99       *> SCB-Function-CD                                              **
   100       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   101       *>                                                              **
   102       *> The appropriate subordinate level-88 must be set to TRUE to  **
   103       *> select a function you'd like to execute against a file.  You **
   104       *> may also simply move one of the string values listed on the  **
   105       *> level-88 items to "SCB-Function-CD".                         **
   106       *>                                                              **
   107       *> Available functions are as follows:                          **
   108       *>                                                              **
   109       *> SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL                                           **
   110       *>                                                              **
   111       *>      This must be the function specified the first time you  **
   112       *>      call STREAMIO for any given file.  It opens the file &  **
   113       *>      makes it available for use according to the             **
   114       *>      "SCB-Mode-CD" specification.                            **
   115       *>                                                              **
   116       *>      The filename being opened must be specified in the      **
   117       *>      "SCB-Filename-TXT" field.                               **
   118       *>                                                              **
   119       *>      The SCB-Offset-NUM field will be initialized to ZERO.   **
   120       *>                                                              **
   121       *>      If "arg2" is specified in conjunction with this funct-  **
   122       *>      ion, it will be ignored.                                **
   123       *>                                                              **
   124       *> SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL                                          **
   125       *>                                                              **
   126       *>      This function should be the one specified the LAST time **
   127       *>      you call STREAMIO against a specific file.  After this  **
   128       *>      function has been executed, you'll have to re-open the  **
   129       *>      file if you wish to use it with STREAMIO again.         **
   130       *>                                                              **
   131       *>      The SCB-Handle-NUM item will be reset to ZERO.          **
   132       *>                                                              **
   133       *>      If "arg2" is specified in conjunction with this funct-  **
   134       *>      ion, it will be ignored.                                **
   135       *>                                                              **
   136       *> SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL                                         **
   137       *>                                                              **
   138       *>      This function will delete the file specified in the     **
   139       *>      control block (see SCB-Filename-TXT).                   **
   140       *>                                                              **
   141       *>      This function should not be performed against a file    **
   142       *>      that is open.                                           **
   143       *>                                                              **
   144       *>      If "arg2" is specified in conjunction with this funct-  **
   145       *>      ion, it will be ignored.                                **
   146       *>                                                              **
   147       *> SCB-Func-READ-BOOL                                           **

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   148       *>                                                              **
   149       *>      This function invokes a standard CBL_READ_FILE against  **
   150       *>      the file specified in the control block (see            **
   151       *>      SCB-Filename-TXT).                                      **
   152       *>                                                              **
   153       *>      The buffer into which you wish to read data must be     **
   154       *>      supplied as "arg2".  The size of that buffer, in bytes, **
   155       *>      will define the "byte-count" value supplied to the      **
   156       *>      CBL_READ_FILE subroutine.  The buffer data item will be **
   157       *>      set to SPACES before the read takes place.              **
   158       *>                                                              **
   159       *>      If the file-offset value (SCB-Offset-NUM) is greater    **
   160       *>      than the size of the file, a "no more data" return code **
   161       *>      (01) will be passed back in SCB-Return-CD and the       **
   162       *>      buffer will have been set to SPACES.                    **
   163       *>                                                              **
   164       *>      At the conclusion of a successful SCB-Func-READ-BOOL,   **
   165       *>      the value of SCB-Offset-NUM will have been automati-    **
   166       *>      cally incremented by the byte-count size of "arg2".     **
   167       *>                                                              **
   168       *> SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL                                          **
   169       *>                                                              **
   170       *>      This function invokes a standard CBL_WRITE_FILE against **
   171       *>      the file specified in the control block (see            **
   172       *>      SCB-Filename-TXT).                                      **
   173       *>                                                              **
   174       *>      The buffer from which data will be written to the file  **
   175       *>      must be supplied as "arg2".  The size of that buffer,   **
   176       *>      in bytes, will define the "byte-count" value supplied   **
   177       *>      CBL_WRITE_FILE subroutine.  The buffer data will be     **
   178       *>      written to the file-offset position defined by the      **
   179       *>      SCB-Offset-NUM value.  You may specify "arg2" either    **
   180       *>      as an actual alphanumeric data item or as an alpha-     **
   181       *>      numeric literal.                                        **
   182       *>                                                              **
   183       *>      If the file-offset value (SCB-Offset-NUM) is greater    **
   184       *>      than the size of the file, a "no more data" return code **
   185       *>      will be passed back in SCB-Return-CD and the buffer     **
   186       *>      will have been set to SPACES.                           **
   187       *>                                                              **
   188       *>      At the conclusion of a successful SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL   **
   189       *>      operation, the value of SCB-Offset-NUM will have been   **
   190       *>      automatically incremented by the byte-count size of     **
   191       *>      "arg2".                                                 **
   192       *>                                                              **
   193       *> SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL                                     **
   194       *>                                                              **
   195       *>      SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL bahaves like the SCB-FUNC-     **
   196       *>      READ function, with the following behavioral dif-       **

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   197       *>      ferences:                                               **
   198       *>                                                              **
   199       *>      1. When data is read from the file, only that data read **
   200       *>         up to BUT NOT INCLUDING an end-of-line delimiter     **
   201       *>         sequence (either a LF or CRLF) will be retained in   **
   202       *>         the buffer - the remainder of the buffer from the    **
   203       *>         end-of-line sequence onward will be reset to SPACES. **
   204       *>         The file-offset value (SCB-Offset-NUM) will be in-   **
   205       *>         cremented ONLY by the amount of data transferred up  **
   206       *>         to AND INCLUDING the end-of-line sequence.           **
   207       *>                                                              **
   208       *>      2. When data is read from the file and an end-of-line   **
   209       *>         delimiter sequence (either a LF or a CRLF) cannot be **
   210       *>         found within the buffer, the assumption is made that **
   211       *>         the record is too long to fit within the buffer.  In **
   212       *>         these instances, an SCB-Return-CD value of 02 will   **
   213       *>         be returned and the SCB-Offset-NUM value will be     **
   214       *>         incremented past the next end-of-line sequence in    **
   215       *>         the file (this will involve at least one additional  **
   216       *>         call to CBL_READ_FILE to locate that eol sequence,   **
   217       *>         but any additional such reads will be done internal- **
   218       *>         ly to STREAMIO and will be entirely transparent to   **
   219       *>         the caller of STREAMIO.                              **
   220       *>                                                              **
   221       *>      DO NOT USE the Streamio-READ-Delim function if the      **
   222       *>      possibility exists that linefeed (X"0A") or carriage-   **
   223       *>      return (X"0D") characters could exist as actual data    **
   224       *>      characters in the file.                                 **
   225       *>                                                              **
   226       *> SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL                                    **
   227       *>                                                              **
   228       *>      SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL acts like the Streamio-       **
   229       *>      FUNC-WRITE function, with the following difference:     **
   230       *>                                                              **
   231       *>      After the specified data is written to the file, an     **
   232       *>      end-of-line sequence will also be written to the file.  **
   233       *>      The file-offset value (SCB-Value) will be incremented   **
   234       *>      by the byte-count size of the data PLUS the size of the **
   235       *>      end-of-line sequence.  One of two possible end-of-line  **
   236       *>      sequences must be specified using the value of SCB-     **
   237       *>      Delimter-Mode.                                          **
   238       *>                                                              **
   239       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   240       *> SCB-Delimiter-Mode-CD                                        **
   241       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   242       *>                                                              **
   243       *> This data item is needed only when issuing the Streamio-     **
   244       *> FUNC-WRITE-Delim function.  In those circumstances, this     **
   245       *> item defines what end-of-line delimiter sequence is to be    **

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   246       *> written:                                                     **
   247       *>                                                              **
   248       *> If SCB-Delim-Unix-BOOL is true, a linefeed character will    **
   249       *> be written.                                                  **
   250       *>                                                              **
   251       *> If SCB-Delim-Windows-BOOL is true, a carriage-return and     **
   252       *> linefeed sequence will be written.                           **
   253       *>                                                              **
   254       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   255       *> SCB-Offset-NUM                                               **
   256       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   257       *>                                                              **
   258       *> This data item specifies the next relative byte number with- **
   259       *> in the file where the next read or write will start.         **
   260       *>                                                              **
   261       *> SCB-Offset-NUM is automatically set to 0 (the first byte)    **
   262       *> when the file is opened, and is automatically incremented as **
   263       *> the file is read or written via STREAMIO.                    **
   264       *>                                                              **
   265       *> You may also manually set this value as desired before any   **
   266       *> call to STREAMIO.                                            **
   267       *>                                                              **
   268       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   269       *> SCB-Error-Routine-PTR                                        **
   270       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   271       *>                                                              **
   272       *> To specify a general error-handling routine for handling     **
   273       *> STREAMIO failures, Create the routine and define an entry-   **
   274       *> name for it via the ENTRY statement.  Then use the following **
   275       *> to set that routine up as the error handler:                 **
   276       *>                                                              **
   277       *>    SET SCB-Error-Routine-PTR TO ENTRY "entry-name"           **
   278       *>                                                              **
   279       *> To "turn off" the error-routine:                             **
   280       *>                                                              **
   281       *>    SET SCB-Error-Routine-PTR TO NULL                         **
   282       *>                                                              **
   283       *> If a fatal error occurs (any error not marked with a ">" in  **
   284       *> the SCB-Return-CD discussion), the error routine you spe-    **
   285       *> cified (if any) will be set up as an exit routine via the    **
   286       *> CBL_EXIT_PROC subroutine; the STREAMIO routine will then is- **
   287       *> sue a STOP RUN to intentionally trigger your error routine.  **
   288       *> You will not be able to recover your program once your error **
   289       *> routine triggers.  If you wish to be able to recover from    **
   290       *> fatal STREAMIO errors, you should NOT use the SCB-Error-     **
   291       *> Routine feature but instead you should explicitly test the   **
   292       *> SCB-Return-CD value after every call to STREAMIO.            **
   293       *>                                                              **
   294       *> A default error routine is defined by the "STREAMIOError.cpy"**

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   295       *> copybook.                                                    **
   296       *>                                                              **
   297       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   298       *> SCB-Return-CD                                                **
   299       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   300       *>                                                              **
   301       *> The following are the possible SCB-Return-CD values.  The    **
   302       *> ones marked with a ">" will NOT trigger an error-routine, if **
   303       *> one is currently registered via SCB-Error-Routine-PTR.       **
   304       *>                                                              **
   305       *>   12 I/O error writing to file                               **
   306       *>   11 File does not exist                                     **
   307       *>   10 File already OPEN or already CLOSEd                     **
   308       *> > 02 READ-Delim was truncated                                **
   309       *> > 01 No more data is available from the current              **
   310       *>      SCB-Offset-NUM                                          **
   311       *> > 00 OK - the operation was successful                       **
   312       *>   -1 Invalid SCB-Function-CD                                 **
   313       *>   -2 Invalid SCB-Mode-CD                                     **
   314       *>   -3 CBL_xxxxx_FILE routine rejected operation               **
   315       *>   -4 Invalid delimiter mode specified (Not U/W)              **
   316       *>                                                              **
   317       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   318       *> SCB-Filename-TXT                                             **
   319       *>--------------------------------------------------------------**
   320       *>                                                              **
   321       *> This is the name of the file you wish to access.             **
   322       *>                                                              **
   323       *> If you are planning on reading the file, the file MUST exist **
   324       *> at the time the SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL is executed.              **
   325       *>                                                              **
   326       *> If you are planning on writing to the file, the file need    **
   327       *> exist when the SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL is issued.                 **
   328       *>                                                              **
   329       *> In general, the contents of SCB-Filename-TXT should re-      **
   330       *> flect the complete path to the file as well as the name of   **
   331       *> the file itself, unless the file is contained in whatever    **
   332       *> directory is current at the time the SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL is   **
   333       *> executed.                                                    **
   334       *>                                                              **
   335       *> The following special values may be used for                 **
   336       *> SCB-Filename-TXT:                                            **
   337       *>                                                              **
   338       *> SPACES If the filename is SPACES, a filename will be created **
   339       *>        automatically for you in whatever directory is de-    **
   340       *>        fined by the TEMP environment variable.  If there IS  **
   341       *>        no TEMP variable defined, the "/tmp" folder will be   **
   342       *>        assumed.  The filename will be STREAMIO-nnnnnnnn.dat  **
   343       *>        where "nnnnnnnn" is a random number.                  **

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   344       *>                                                              **
   345       *> .      If you specify only a dot (period) as the filename,   **
   346       *>        the behavior will be the same as with a value of      **
   347       *>        SPACES except there will be no ".dat" at the end of   **
   348       *>        the generated filename.                               **
   349       *>                                                              **
   350       *> .ext   If you specify a filename extension prefixed with a   **
   351       *>        dot (period), the behavior will be the same as if a   **
   352       *>        value of SPACES were specified, except that the given **
   353       *>        extension will be used instead of ".dat".  Note that  **
   354       *>        if you are using a Unix/Cygwin implementation of      **
   355       *>        OpenCOBOL and you'd like to specify a hidden file in  **
   356       *>        the current directory as the SCB-Filename-TXT, you    **
   357       *>        MUST code the filename as "./.xxxxx" to avoid having  **
   358       *>        it treated as this special name.                      **
   359       *>                                                              **
   360       *>****************************************************************
   363        REPOSITORY.
   364            FUNCTION ALL INTRINSIC.
   365        DATA DIVISION.
   367        01  WS-Access-Mode-CD                     PIC X(1) COMP-X.
   368        01  WS-Arg-Length-NUM                     PIC X(4) COMP-X.
   369        01  WS-Buffer-TXT                         PIC X(256).
   370        01  WS-Delim-Buffer-TXT                   PIC X(2).
   371        01  WS-Env-Temp-TXT                       PIC X(256).
   372        01  WS-Slash-CHR                          PIC X(1).
   373        01  WS-Tally-NUM                          USAGE BINARY-LONG.
   374        01  WS-8-Digit-NUM                        PIC 9(8).
   375        01  WS-256-Byte-TXT                       PIC X(256).
   376        LINKAGE SECTION.
   377        01  L-StreamIO-Control-Block-TXT.
   378            COPY STREAMIOcb
   379                REPLACING LEADING ==SCB-== BY ==L-SCB-==.
        05 L-SCB-Handle-NUM PIC X(4) COMP-X.
        05 L-SCB-Mode-CD PIC X(1).
        88 L-SCB-MODE-Input-BOOL VALUE 'I' 'i'.
        88 L-SCB-MODE-Output-BOOL VALUE 'O' 'o'.
        88 L-SCB-MODE-Both-BOOL VALUE 'B' 'b'.
        05 L-SCB-Function-CD PIC X(2).
        88 L-SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL VALUE 'C ' 'c '.
        88 L-SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL VALUE 'D ' 'd '.
        88 L-SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL VALUE 'O ' 'o '.
        88 L-SCB-Func-READ-BOOL VALUE 'R ' 'r '.
        88 L-SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL VALUE 'RD' 'rd'
        'rD' 'Rd'.
        88 L-SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL VALUE 'W ' 'w '.

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====== =========================================================================================
        88 L-SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL VALUE 'WD' 'wd'
        'wD' 'Wd'.
        05 L-SCB-Delimiter-Mode-CD PIC X(1).
        88 L-SCB-DELIM-Unix-BOOL VALUE 'U' 'u'.
        88 L-SCB-DELIM-Windows-BOOL VALUE 'W' 'w'.
        05 L-SCB-Offset-NUM PIC X(8) COMP-X.
        05 L-SCB-Error-Routine-PTR USAGE PROGRAM-POINTER.
        05 L-SCB-Error-Routine-NUM REDEFINES L-SCB-Error-Routine-PTR
        05 L-SCB-Return-CD USAGE BINARY-LONG.
        05 L-SCB-Filename-TXT PIC X(256).
   380        01  L-Arg2-TXT                            PIC X ANY LENGTH.
   381        PROCEDURE DIVISION USING L-StreamIO-Control-Block-TXT,
   382                                 L-Arg2-TXT.
   383        000-Main SECTION.
   384            MOVE 00 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   385            EVALUATE TRUE
   386                WHEN L-SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL
   387                    PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   388                    PERFORM 200-CLOSE
   389                WHEN L-SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL
   390                    CALL "CBL_DELETE_FILE" USING L-SCB-Filename-TXT
   391                WHEN L-SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL
   392                    PERFORM 020-Validate-Handle-Zero
   393                    PERFORM 100-OPEN
   394                WHEN L-SCB-Func-READ-BOOL
   395                    PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   396                    PERFORM 400-READ
   397                WHEN L-SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL
   398                    PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   399                    PERFORM 500-READ-Delim
   400                WHEN L-SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL
   401                    PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   402                    PERFORM 300-WRITE
   403                WHEN L-SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL
   404                    EVALUATE TRUE
   405                        WHEN L-SCB-Delim-Unix-BOOL
   406                            PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   407                            PERFORM 300-WRITE
   408                            MOVE 1 TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   409                            MOVE X"0A" TO WS-Delim-Buffer-TXT
   410                        WHEN L-SCB-Delim-Windows-BOOL
   411                            PERFORM 030-Validate-Handle-NonZero
   412                            PERFORM 300-WRITE
   413                            MOVE 2 TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   414                            MOVE X"0D0A" TO WS-Delim-Buffer-TXT
   415                       WHEN OTHER
   416                            MOVE -4 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   417                            PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return

GCic for OSX Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Gary L. Cutler, GPL                                Page: 9
GNU COBOL 2.1 23NOV2013 Source Listing                                                2014/03/27
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====== =========================================================================================
   418                    END-EVALUATE
   419                    CALL "CBL_WRITE_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   420                                                L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   421                                                WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   422                                                0
   423                                                WS-Delim-Buffer-TXT
   424                    PERFORM 040-Check-WRITE-SCB-Return-CD
   425                    ADD WS-Arg-Length-NUM TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   426                WHEN OTHER
   427                    MOVE -1 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   428                    PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   429            END-EVALUATE
   430            GOBACK
   431            .
   432        020-Validate-Handle-Zero SECTION.
   433            IF L-SCB-Handle-NUM NOT = ZERO
   434                MOVE 10 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   435                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   436            END-IF
   437            .
   438        030-Validate-Handle-NonZero SECTION.
   439            IF L-SCB-Handle-NUM = ZERO
   440                MOVE 10 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   441                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   442            END-IF
   443            .
   444        040-Check-WRITE-SCB-Return-CD SECTION.
   445            IF RETURN-CODE < 0
   446                MOVE -3 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   447                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   448            END-IF
   449            IF RETURN-CODE = 30
   450                MOVE 12 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   451                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   452            END-IF
   453            MOVE 00 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   454            .
   455        050-Check-READ-SCB-Return-CD SECTION.
   456            IF RETURN-CODE < 0
   457                MOVE -3 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   458                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   459            END-IF
   460            IF RETURN-CODE = 10
   461                MOVE 01 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   462                GOBACK
   463            END-IF
   464            MOVE 00 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   465            .
   466        060-Identify-TEMP SECTION.

GCic for Windows/MinGW Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Gary L. Cutler, GPL                     Page: 10
GNU COBOL 2.1 23NOV2013 Source Listing                                                2014/03/27
Line   Statement                                                                        Page: 11
====== =========================================================================================
   467            ACCEPT WS-Env-Temp-TXT FROM ENVIRONMENT "TEMP"
   468            EVALUATE TRUE
   469                WHEN WS-Env-Temp-TXT (1:1) = "/"
   470                    MOVE "/"    TO WS-Slash-CHR
   471                WHEN WS-Env-Temp-TXT (2:1) = ":"
   472                    MOVE "\"    TO WS-Slash-CHR
   473                WHEN OTHER
   474                    MOVE "/tmp" TO WS-Env-Temp-TXT
   475                    MOVE "/"    TO WS-Slash-CHR
   476            END-EVALUATE
   477            .
   478        099-ERROR-Return SECTION.
   479            IF L-SCB-Error-Routine-NUM NOT = 0
   480                CALL "CBL_EXIT_PROC" USING 0, L-SCB-Error-Routine-PTR
   481                STOP RUN
   482            END-IF
   483            GOBACK
   484            .
   485        100-OPEN SECTION.
   486            IF  (L-SCB-Mode-Input-BOOL OR L-SCB-Mode-Both-BOOL)
   487            AND (L-SCB-Filename-TXT = SPACES OR LOW-VALUES)
   488                MOVE 11 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   489                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   490            END-IF
   491            EVALUATE TRUE
   492                WHEN L-SCB-Filename-TXT = SPACES OR LOW-VALUES
   493                    PERFORM 060-Identify-TEMP
   494                    MOVE SPACES TO L-SCB-Filename-TXT
   495                    COMPUTE
   496                        WS-8-Digit-NUM =
   497                        RANDOM(SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT) * 100000000
   498                    END-COMPUTE
   499                    STRING
   500                        TRIM(WS-Env-Temp-TXT,TRAILING)
   501                        WS-Slash-CHR
   502                        "STREAMIO-"
   503                        WS-8-Digit-NUM
   504                        ".dat"
   505                        DELIMITED BY SIZE
   506                        INTO L-SCB-Filename-TXT
   507                WHEN L-SCB-Filename-TXT(1:1) = "."
   508                    PERFORM 060-Identify-TEMP
   509                    IF L-SCB-Filename-TXT(2:1) = SPACE
   510                        MOVE SPACES TO WS-256-Byte-TXT
   511                    ELSE
   512                        MOVE L-SCB-Filename-TXT TO WS-256-Byte-TXT
   513                    END-IF
   514                    MOVE SPACES TO L-SCB-Filename-TXT
   515                    COMPUTE WS-8-Digit-NUM =

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   516                        RANDOM(SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT) * 100000000
   517                    STRING
   518                        TRIM(WS-Env-Temp-TXT,TRAILING)
   519                        WS-Slash-CHR
   520                        "STREAMIO-"
   521                        WS-8-Digit-NUM
   522                        TRIM(WS-256-Byte-TXT,TRAILING)
   523                        DELIMITED BY SIZE
   524                        INTO L-SCB-Filename-TXT
   525            END-EVALUATE
   526            EVALUATE TRUE
   527                WHEN L-SCB-Mode-Input-BOOL
   528                    MOVE 1 TO WS-Access-Mode-CD
   529                WHEN L-SCB-Mode-Output-BOOL
   530                    MOVE 2 TO WS-Access-Mode-CD
   531                WHEN L-SCB-Mode-Both-BOOL
   532                    MOVE 3 TO WS-Access-Mode-CD
   533                WHEN OTHER
   534                    MOVE -2 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   535                    PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   536            END-EVALUATE
   538                                       WS-Access-Mode-CD
   539                                       0
   540                                       0
   541                                       L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   542            IF RETURN-CODE = 35
   543                MOVE 11 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   544                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   545            END-IF
   546            IF RETURN-CODE < 0
   547                MOVE -2 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   548                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   549            END-IF
   550            MOVE 00 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   551            MOVE 0 TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   552            .
   553        200-CLOSE SECTION.
   554            CALL "CBL_CLOSE_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   555            IF RETURN-CODE < 0
   556                MOVE -2 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   557                PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   558            END-IF
   559            MOVE 00 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   560            MOVE 0 TO L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   561            .
   562        300-WRITE SECTION.
   563            CALL "C$PARAMSIZE" USING 2
   564            MOVE RETURN-CODE TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM

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   565            CALL "CBL_WRITE_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   566                                        L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   567                                        WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   568                                        0
   569                                        L-Arg2-TXT
   570            PERFORM 040-Check-WRITE-SCB-Return-CD
   571            ADD WS-Arg-Length-NUM TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   572            .
   573        400-READ SECTION.
   574            CALL "C$PARAMSIZE" USING 2
   575            MOVE RETURN-CODE TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   576            MOVE SPACES TO L-Arg2-TXT(1:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   577            CALL "CBL_READ_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   578                                       L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   579                                       WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   580                                       0
   581                                       L-Arg2-TXT
   582            PERFORM 050-Check-READ-SCB-Return-CD
   583            ADD WS-Arg-Length-NUM TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   584            .
   585        500-READ-Delim SECTION.
   586            CALL "C$PARAMSIZE" USING 2
   587            MOVE RETURN-CODE TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   588            MOVE SPACES TO L-Arg2-TXT(1:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   589            CALL "CBL_READ_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   590                                       L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   591                                       WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   592                                       0
   593                                       L-Arg2-TXT
   594            PERFORM 050-Check-READ-SCB-Return-CD
   595            MOVE 0 TO WS-Tally-NUM
   596            INSPECT L-Arg2-TXT(1:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   597                TALLYING WS-Tally-NUM FOR ALL X"0A"
   598            IF WS-Tally-NUM = 0 *> No LF found - return truncated data and position past n
       ext LF (if any)
   599                IF L-Arg2-TXT(WS-Arg-Length-NUM:1) = X"0D"
   600                    MOVE SPACE TO L-Arg2-TXT(WS-Arg-Length-NUM:1)
   601                END-IF
   602                ADD WS-Arg-Length-NUM TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   603                MOVE 02 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   604                MOVE 256 TO WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   605                PERFORM UNTIL 0 = 1
   606                    MOVE SPACES TO WS-Buffer-TXT
   607                    CALL "CBL_READ_FILE" USING L-SCB-Handle-NUM
   608                                               L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   609                                               WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   610                                               0
   611                                               WS-Buffer-TXT
   612                    IF RETURN-CODE < 0

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   613                        MOVE -3 TO L-SCB-Return-CD
   614                        PERFORM 099-ERROR-Return
   615                    END-IF
   616                    IF RETURN-CODE = 10
   617                        GOBACK
   618                    END-IF
   619                    MOVE 0 TO WS-Tally-NUM
   620                    INSPECT WS-Buffer-TXT
   621                        TALLYING WS-Tally-NUM FOR ALL X"0A"
   622                    IF WS-Tally-NUM = 0
   623                        ADD 256 TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   624                    ELSE
   625                        MOVE 0 TO WS-Tally-NUM
   626                        INSPECT WS-Buffer-TXT
   627                            TALLYING WS-Tally-NUM
   628                            FOR CHARACTERS BEFORE INITIAL X"0A"
   629                        ADD WS-Tally-NUM, 1 TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   630                        GOBACK
   631                    END-IF
   632                END-PERFORM
   633            ELSE         *> There is (at least) one LF in the buffer
   634                MOVE 0 TO WS-Tally-NUM
   635                INSPECT L-Arg2-TXT(1:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   636                    TALLYING WS-Tally-NUM
   637                    FOR CHARACTERS BEFORE INITIAL X"0A"
   638                ADD WS-Tally-NUM, 1 TO L-SCB-Offset-NUM
   639                IF WS-Tally-NUM > 1
   640                    IF L-Arg2-TXT(WS-Tally-NUM:1) = X"0D"
   641                        COMPUTE WS-Arg-Length-NUM =
   642                                  WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   643                                - WS-Tally-NUM
   644                                + 1
   645                    ELSE
   646                        COMPUTE WS-Arg-Length-NUM =
   647                                  WS-Arg-Length-NUM
   648                                - WS-Tally-NUM
   649                        ADD 1 TO WS-Tally-NUM
   650                    END-IF
   651                    MOVE SPACES
   652                      TO L-Arg2-TXT(WS-Tally-NUM:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   653                ELSE
   654                    MOVE SPACES
   655                      TO L-Arg2-TXT(1:WS-Arg-Length-NUM)
   656                END-IF
   657            END-IF
   658            .

GCic for Windows/MinGW Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Gary L. Cutler, GPL                     Page: 14
GNU COBOL 2.1 23NOV2013 Cross-Reference Listing                                       2014/03/27
PROGRAM-ID      Identifier/Register/Function     Defn   Where Defined   References      Page: 15
=============== ================================ ====== =============== ========================
STREAMIO        000-Main                            383 PROCEDURE
STREAMIO        020-Validate-Handle-Zero            432 PROCEDURE          392
STREAMIO        030-Validate-Handle-NonZero         438 PROCEDURE          387     395     398
                                                                           401     406     411
STREAMIO        040-Check-WRITE-SCB-Return-CD       444 PROCEDURE          424     570
STREAMIO        050-Check-READ-SCB-Return-CD        455 PROCEDURE          582     594
STREAMIO        060-Identify-TEMP                   466 PROCEDURE          493     508
STREAMIO        099-ERROR-Return                    478 PROCEDURE          417     428     435
                                                                           441     447     451
                                                                           458     489     535
                                                                           544     548     557
STREAMIO        100-OPEN                            485 PROCEDURE          393
STREAMIO        200-CLOSE                           553 PROCEDURE          388
STREAMIO        300-WRITE                           562 PROCEDURE          402     407     412
STREAMIO        400-READ                            573 PROCEDURE          396
STREAMIO        500-READ-Delim                      585 PROCEDURE          399
STREAMIO        L-Arg2-TXT                          380 LINKAGE            382     569C    576*
                                                                           581C    588*    593C
                                                                           599     600*    640
                                                                           652*    655*
STREAMIO        L-SCB-DELIM-Unix-BOOL               379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    405
STREAMIO        L-SCB-DELIM-Windows-BOOL            379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    410
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Delimiter-Mode-CD             379 [STREAMIOcb   ]
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Error-Routine-NUM             379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    479
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Error-Routine-PTR             379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    379     480C
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Filename-TXT                  379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    390C    487     492
                                                                           494*    506*    507
                                                                           509     512     514*
                                                                           524*    537C
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-CLOSE-BOOL               379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    386
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-DELETE-BOOL              379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    389
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-OPEN-BOOL                379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    391
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-READ-BOOL                379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    394
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-READ-Delim-BOOL          379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    397
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-WRITE-BOOL               379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    400
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Func-WRITE-Delim-BOOL         379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    403
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Function-CD                   379 [STREAMIOcb   ]
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Handle-NUM                    379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    419C    433     439
                                                                           541C    554C    560*
                                                                           565C    577C    589C
STREAMIO        L-SCB-MODE-Both-BOOL                379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    486     531
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Mode-CD                       379 [STREAMIOcb   ]
STREAMIO        L-SCB-MODE-Input-BOOL               379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    486     527
STREAMIO        L-SCB-MODE-Output-BOOL              379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    529
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Offset-NUM                    379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    420C    425*    551*
                                                                           566C    571*    578C
                                                                           583*    590C    602*

GCic for Windows/MinGW Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Gary L. Cutler, GPL                     Page: 15
GNU COBOL 2.1 23NOV2013 Cross-Reference Listing                                       2014/03/27
PROGRAM-ID      Identifier/Register/Function     Defn   Where Defined   References      Page: 16
=============== ================================ ====== =============== ========================
                                                                           608C    623*    629*
STREAMIO        L-SCB-Return-CD                     379 [STREAMIOcb   ]    384*    416*    427*
                                                                           434*    440*    446*
                                                                           450*    453*    457*
                                                                           461*    464*    488*
                                                                           534*    543*    547*
                                                                           550*    556*    559*
                                                                           603*    613*
STREAMIO        L-StreamIO-Control-Block-TXT        377 LINKAGE            381
STREAMIO        RETURN-CODE                             PROCEDURE          445     449     456
                                                                           460     542     546
                                                                           555     564     575
                                                                           587     612     616
STREAMIO        WS-256-Byte-TXT                     375 WORKING-STORAGE    510*    512*    522
STREAMIO        WS-8-Digit-NUM                      374 WORKING-STORAGE    496*    503     515*
STREAMIO        WS-Access-Mode-CD                   367 WORKING-STORAGE    528*    530*    532*
STREAMIO        WS-Arg-Length-NUM                   368 WORKING-STORAGE    408*    413*    421C
                                                                           425     564*    567C
                                                                           571     575*    576
                                                                           579C    583     587*
                                                                           588     591C    596
                                                                           599     600     602
                                                                           604*    609C    635
                                                                           641*    642     646*
                                                                           647     652     655
STREAMIO        WS-Buffer-TXT                       369 WORKING-STORAGE    606*    611C
STREAMIO        WS-Delim-Buffer-TXT                 370 WORKING-STORAGE    409*    414*    423C
STREAMIO        WS-Env-Temp-TXT                     371 WORKING-STORAGE    467*    469     471
                                                                           474*    500     518
STREAMIO        WS-Slash-CHR                        372 WORKING-STORAGE    470*    472*    475*
                                                                           501     519
STREAMIO        WS-Tally-NUM                        373 WORKING-STORAGE    595*    597*    598
                                                                           619*    621*    622
                                                                           625*    627*    629
                                                                           634*    636*    638
                                                                           639     640     643
                                                                           648     649*    652

GCic for Windows/MinGW Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Gary L. Cutler, GPL                     Page: 16