We provide all kinds of support that users may need on GnuCOBOL, its ecosystem, and SuperBOL.
One of the main benefits of using open-source software is the ability to improve and extend the environment, to adapt it so it best fits the needs of its users.
We provide Evolution Support on every open-source component of the GnuCOBOL ecosystem, in particular:
An Evolution Support contract typically follows the following steps:
We provide here some examples of typical contributions that we could do:
We provide Commercial Support on every open-source component of the GnuCOBOL ecosystem, in particular:
This support is a yearly contract, where we provide our expertise on the open-source tools around GnuCOBOL to our customers. We reply to:
Questions and issues can be submitted by email or on a web bug tracker. We follow a best-effort policy to reply in a maximum delay of one business day.
The Cost of this support depends on the size of the team, on the size of the application, and on the current state of the application (application undergoing modernization, or in production). Contact us for more details.
Final User Support can be used by users of COBOL software provided by software companies that already provide a good quality support on their software, to get an additionnal support, often for regulation reasons, on the GnuCOBOL compiler.
By default, this support is limited to bugs found in the GnuCOBOL compiler only, for which a fix or a workaround are provided in a maximum delay during business hours. An extension to additional tools or for shorter delays can be negociated.
The cost of this support depends on the current phase of the application:
During the Migration or Installation phase, the Cost Unit is the number of Targets (distinct hardware platforms and Operating Systems) aimed at by the migration;
During the Production phase, when the application is actually used, the Cost Unit is the number of Machines executing the application, which can be Production machines or Recovery machines (for hot replacement in case of crash);
The cost of this support (excl. taxes) for business hours is:
A full 24/24 7/7 support can be provided on a per-customer basis.